Houston Lawyer For Victims of Catastrophic Medical Errors

In many cases, a medical malpractice claim is the only way to achieve some measure of justice after a fatal or disabling medical error. The Bryant Law Firm helps individuals and families in the Houston area and beyond take effective legal action against negligent medical providers.

If your family has suffered a death or disability due to medical negligence, you have a right to seek compensation and to hold the responsible parties accountable. David A. Bryant, Jr. has the experience and resources to help you do that.

For a free consultation with an experienced medical malpractice attorney, contact The Bryant Law Firm today. With offices in Conroe, David A. Bryant, Jr. represents clients throughout Texas.

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A Nationwide Problem

Medical errors are now the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Although medical professionals go through extensive training to diagnose and treat a vast array of medical problems, preventable errors continue to threaten patients' lives on a daily basis.

Common types of health care negligence include:

  • Failure to diagnose illnesses and conditions such as cancer, medication allergies and heart disease
  • Surgical errors such as wrong-site surgery, erroneous cutting of tissue, and foreign objects left in the body
  • Failure to review and act on known medical records
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Medication errors
  • Birth injuries to the mother or the child

The struggle for many families is that they don't know where to begin once they suspect that hospital negligence was the cause of a death or disability. If you have questions about these matters, The Bryant Law Firm can help.

The Bryant Law Firm advises and represents clients in matters of medical malpractice, disability and wrongful death. To arrange a free consultation, call 713-980-0700 or contact online. If you are unable to come to our offices, David A. Bryant, Jr. will come to you.

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Why You Should Choose The Bryant Law Firm

An Attorney will come to you.

If your injury prevents you from coming to the office, David A. Bryant, Jr. can visit you in the hospital, at your home or at another location. All you need to do is focus on your health. Let The Bryant Law Firm do the rest.
Unlike many attorneys, David A. Bryant, Jr’s practice is built on preparing cases for trial, putting you in a position to achieve the best possible outcome. Many lawyers hardly ever, if ever, see the inside of a courtroom. By contrast, David A. Bryant, Jr. has extensive trial experience and is not afraid to take your case to trial.
The Bryant Law Firm has a proven record of success and has recovered compensation for thousands of clients in Houston, and across the entire state of Texas. The Bryant Law Firm wants to help you, too.
The Bryant Law Firm can help you find medical care if you don't have insurance. Talk to us about your options.
The Bryant Law Firm does everything to put more money in your pocket. Call now for a free initial consultation to discuss your specific situation. The Bryant Law Firm can handle your case with no out-of-pocket cost to you and gets paid only if you get paid.

Help you find Medical Care

The Bryant Law Firm will help you find medical care if you don't have insurance. Talk to David A. Bryant, Jr. about your options.

A Good Lawyer Knows The Law, A Great Lawyer Knows The Judge.

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